Blue Bear is one of six teams taking part in Innovation Sandbox

Blue Bear Systems Research is one of six companies that the UK’s Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has chosen to be a part of ‘Innovation Sandbox’, which is a “virtual space in which new technology can be tested’. The Sandbox is offering innovative companies the chance...

CEO discusses how new technology is shaping our cities

Dr. Yoge Patel, CEO of Blue Bear, was pleased to participate in a NESTA roundtable yesterday, Tuesday 7th May, where they discussed how research, development and implementation of new technology in urban transport is shaping our cities.

Government Extends Revolutionary 5G Project

The 5G Rural Integrated Testbed (5GRIT) is delighted to announce a 6-month extension to its project which could revolutionise both the agricultural and tourism industries as well as improve connectivity for all those living in rural communities. 5GRIT, a consortium of...